Bloomfield Open Triples Tournament

On Sunday 26th June Bloomfield hosted our first mixed Open Triples Tournament which was sponsored by Western Building Consultants (thank you!).

It was a great day of bowling which ultimately saw our own “Bloomfield Veterans” narrowly defeat “Cider and Hops” (Frome Park) in an exciting final, with “Cider and Hops” only just failing to overturn a 5-shot deficit on the last end. Well done to all involved and congratulations to Bob Rice, Tom Winsborough and John Higgs on their victory.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the tournament and made it such an enjoyable day.

Huge thanks also to all the Bloomfield members who gave up their time to help with the organisation, catering, scoring, raffle and bar. You helped to make the day a great success and you are all amazing.